The Connecticut State Police, in conjunction with the American Legion, run an annual State Police Youth Week that is open to 16 and 17 year old high school students throughout Connecticut. Youth week is modeled after State Police recruit training and provides students with a unique opportunity to gain insight into the training, duties and expectations of Connecticut State Troopers. This program is a mini State Police Academy and a national model for The American Legion. During the week of training, all "recruits" will participate in a variety of mental and physical challenges, including patrol techniques, use of laser speed measuring equipment, accident investigation, emergency vehicle driving, firearms training and criminal investigation. The "recruits" will also participate in daily physical conditioning, daily inspections, drill and ceremony and 5:15 AM reveille. The week concludes with the Warrior's Path safety and survival course followed by a graduation ceremony. Warrior's Path represents the culmination of all of the skills and knowledge the recruits learned during the week. It is designed to emphasize the importance of teamwork and overcoming adversity. For more information, please contact The American Legion Department HQ or your local Post.
The application period closes on June 7, 2024.